Alfred 4 Powerpack 4.3 (1201)
2021. 8. 29. 11:19ㆍ카테고리 없음
4 AMPS.. IS REQUIRED FROM.. AN A.C.. SOURCE.. Write to Dept.. W.W.. for a copy of data sheet No.. 30.. ... and POWER PACK LType MRCI ... By ALFRED T.. WITTS, A.M.I.E.E.. ... IQ=1201.
Size 2" X l" X I" Tropically impregnated pots, cores and coils (Litz).
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... DD of 4.3 watts for 5% Third Harmonic Content and with the Second.As indicated previously, Alfred P.. Bernhart of the University of Toronto made ... 4.3.. 1/8 1/4.. 1/2.
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1%.. 2%.. 3%.. 4%.. GRADE OR SLOPE OF THE LAND ... GUSSETS I 3 • 1201.. 14.. ... 4- Remote power pack with slip-fitting removable disintegrating.
1972 — Report No.. I 2.. Government Accession No.. 3.. Recipient's Catalog No.. NASA TM X-58106.